Maxwell school


Secretary’s Message

Secretary’s Message

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Maxwell Public School . Our institution believes in moulding every student into a good citizen, building into them qualities of integrity, leadership and personal charisma.

Our Mission is to expose students to all kinds of challenging environment and help them overcome practical hurdles thus making them wholesome and fully intellectual citizens of this nation. We stress on promoting and facilitating quality education of highest standards. To achieve this, the institution provides a strong infrastructure, full fledged laboratories and a well stacked library.

The ultimate aim of any education is the creation of a wholesome personality or a man fully alive-physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Any lopsided development of personality is detrimental not only to the individual but also to the society. As Vedic Rishis have rightly pointed out – “Atmanam Buddhi”, that means “Know Thyself”, the students must develop an introspection. To develop such skills of self introspection, they must be encouraged to express their emotions and thoughts in words.

A balanced development of a man who respects the other individuals and sees in them the reflection of God, irrespective of the differences, is the only way to the well-being and happiness of human being on this earth. The aim of our school is the development of balanced personalities.

We look forward to your valuable cooperation, suggestions and continued patronage for the better development of our children..

G.K.Usha Kumari